
Lost, the new Erasmus+ Project

LOST is a new European Erasmus + KA2 Project (Strategic Partnerships) entitled “LOST – Learning Opportunities, Instruments and Investigation Techniques to Combat the Growing Fenomenon of MISSING PEOPLE in Europe“. The project aims at informing society about the phenomenon of people disappearance without their will (mainly children and women). The main purpose of the project is…


Lost, il nuovo progetto Erasmus+

LOST è un nuovo progetto europeo Erasmus + KA2 (Partenariato Strategico) dal titolo “LOST – Opportunità di apprendimento, strumenti e tecniche di indagine per combattere il fenomeno in crescita delle PERSONE SCOMPARSE in Europa”. Il progetto mira a informare la società e i professionisti del settore sul fenomeno delle persone che scompaiono senza la loro…


Lost, το νέο Έργο Erasmus+ ΚΑ2

LOST είναι ένα νέο Ευρωπαϊκό Έργο Erasmus + KA2 Project (Strategic Partnerships) με τίτλο “LOST – Μαθησιακές Ευκαιρίες, Εργαλεία και Τεχνικές έρευνας για την αντιμετώπιση του φαινόμενου της ΕΞΑΦΑΝΙΣΗΣ ΑΝΘΡΩΠΩΝ στην Ευρώπη.“ Το Έργο στοχεύει στην ενημέρωση της κοινωνίας για το φαινόμενο της εξαφάνισης εξαφανισμένων ατόμων χωρίς τη θέληση τους (κυρίως παιδιών και γυναικών). Ο βασικός σκοπός…


Lost, the new Erasmus+ Project

LOST is a new European Erasmus + KA2 Project (Strategic Partnerships) entitled “LOST – Learning Opportunities, Instruments and Investigation Techniques to Combat the Growing Fenomenon of MISSING PEOPLE in Europe“. The project aims at informing society about the phenomenon of people disappearance without their will (mainly children and women). The main purpose of the project is…


Lost, the new Erasmus+ Project

LOST is a new European Erasmus + KA2 Project (Strategic Partnerships) entitled “LOST – Learning Opportunities, Instruments and Investigation Techniques to Combat the Growing Fenomenon of MISSING PEOPLE in Europe“. The project aims at informing society about the phenomenon of people disappearance without their will (mainly children and women). The main purpose of the project is…


Lost, the new Erasmus+ Project

LOST is a new European Erasmus + KA2 Project (Strategic Partnerships) entitled “LOST – Learning Opportunities, Instruments and Investigation Techniques to Combat the Growing Fenomenon of MISSING PEOPLE in Europe“. The project aims at informing society about the phenomenon of people disappearance without their will (mainly children and women). The main purpose of the project is…