2nd Transnational meeting of LOST Project in Madrid (Spain)
The 2nd transnational project meeting of LOST Project was held in Madrid (Spain), on June 18th & 19th 2018. The meeting was attended by project partners from Italy (SDS Pisana, ASSOCIAZIONE OMNIS and SIULP), Spain (OSDESAPARECIDOS), Portugal (Desenvolvimiento Social), Denmark (SOSU Ostjylland) and Belgium (EfVET).
During the meeting partners discussed the results of the research they conducted in their countries about the procedures applied when declaring a person’s disappearance. The overall conclusions will be included in a Report that will be a Deliverable of the Project. Moreover, they discussed issues related to the design of the e-learning educational program, which will be addressed to employees and executives of organizations and bodies involved in cases of disappearances. The training program will be implemented through a specially designed online training platform.
Next meeting will take place in Pisa (Italy) in November 2018, where partners will participate to a Joint Staff Training in order to test and validate the training package among their staff by the external support of experts in key subjects.