LOST is a new European Erasmus + KA2 Project (Strategic Partnerships) entitled “LOST – Learning Opportunities, Instruments and Investigation Techniques to Combat the Growing Fenomenon of MISSING PEOPLE in Europe“.
The project aims at informing society about the phenomenon of people disappearance without their will (mainly children and women). The main purpose of the project is to research and design an innovative educational program aimed at professionals who are involved in searching the missing people (public servants, health professionals, volunteers, etc.) in order to improve the techniques used for the prevention, but also addressing the phenomenon.
The duration of the project is 24 months and will be completed in September 2019.
Partners are public and private bodies, non-governmental organizations and training partners from Italy, Spain, Denmark, Portugal, Belgium and Greece.
The first transnational meeting of the partners will be held in Pisa, Italy, on 28-29 / 11/2017, where the actions to be implemented will be discussed in detail.
Τhis article was originally published in the website of p-consulting.gr