Multiplier event in Pisa, Italy
The Multiplier event in Pisa was organised by the Lead Partner Società della Salute Pisana (SdS) taking place in Pisa on 7 June at the venue of a local company “Navicelli SPA “.
The choice of the location is due to the strong interest of the company in supporting technologies for monitoring the Missing People phenomenon.
The main speaker was Major Perri from IFORLAB who has strongly contributed to the development of the training programme contents. Other interventions were done from SdS and Penelope Association about social policies and voluntary services to assist families involved in the missing of their loved ones.
51 participants from the associations, NGOs, Municipalities, social cooperatives and Navicelli company took part in this Multiplier event. The debate and the curiosities expressed were mainly based on the characteristics and data about the phenomenon and the tools in terms of LOST outputs developed up to now to fight the phenomena, in terms of improving the cases of solutions and the existing services and opportunities in order to help families to find alive missing children and in general all missing persons.