If you think you want to support us, please do not hesitate to come and join our big team of associated partners by signing the MoU below.


The project focuses on the needs of improving the investigation processes by carrying out an in-depth analysis of the subject, providing more information and raising social awareness, and offering training for risk groups and operators involved the area of action of THE RESPONSE TO DISAPPEARANCES where different kind of professionals are working on cases of missing children and adults would benefit from receiving specific training and support.

What it affects and specifies

The MoU affects and specifies the following sectors of synergies and objectives:

  • Improvement the quality of the results of the INVESTIGATION & RESEARCH PROCESSES and the SOCIAL SERVICES AND SUPPORTING MEASURES provided by the responsible authorities and local Institutions to families and the community as a whole in the sector of the Response to the disappearance;
  • Increase the level competencies of the staff of the organizations and technical operators (police, civil protection, security and investigation services) in charge the management, investigation and recording of missing persons;
  • Increase level of knowledge and awareness on missing people phenomenon and increased level of social and civic competencies of citizens who deal directly with children or their families regarding a disappearance learn how to interact adequately with these types of people and situations;
  • Αn increased general awareness of the public on difficulties met by refugees, in particular children who are often not accompanied.


The stakeholders involved are operative actors in the field such as police and other enforcement offices, professionals of the training, voluntary associations for missing people, social services etc., and any other subject interested in getting and improving competencies in the sector of the research of missing people and supporting their families.

Undersigned stakeholders and LOST project partners agree, with respect to the available resources to:

  • open to new partners sharing the above values and objectives and willing to contribute to their achievement.
  • Support the creation and the consolidation of a transnational cooperation system through the signatories of this document addressed to exchange information & data and to capitalize the intellectual output such the Training Package (IO2), the Open Educational Resource (OER) LOST Platform (IO6) and the Kit for Social Services and policies (IO5).
  • Promote the actions of the project, which are of mutual interest at local, regional, national and European level.

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